Friday, January 17, 2014

Thing 1: Blogging and Registering

I first saw the "23 Mobile Things" flyer while having dinner in the break room at the public library where I work. Trainings and programs about new devices always catch my eye because I am a Generation Y library professional who still really, really, really likes the printed book, but also likes technology too (so long as it doesn’t infringe on my printed books!). No E-Readers for me, thank you very much! There is something about the feel of the book, the new book smell, the haunting familiarity of the pages that an E-Reader cannot match. That said, I do like my laptop and my smart phone and like learning about new websites, apps, etc. even though I don't own a mobile device such as a tablet or Ipad. 

E-Readers and other mobile devices were just starting to become very popular when I first entered the library field in 2007 and have definitely grown since then. With the growth in devices, there has also been an uptick in questions that library patrons have about their device, what apps/programs/services of the library they can connect their device with, etc. And I really, really hate that "deer in the headlight" moment when I have no idea what the patron is talking about because I don't own such a device, so I generally try to attend trainings to stay current so I can at least help them out a bit with something...even if it is just getting them to the "help" section of the website! (We can team navigate from there). 

With that being said, by completing the "23 Mobile Things" I am hoping to gain a better understanding of some of today's top devices and apps as well as learn some basic troubleshooting tips for the devices, so that even though I may not have a lot of experience using mobile devices myself in my day-to-day life( except for my smartphone which is about 2 systems behind) I can at least have enough familiarity and knowledge to assist and guide patrons through their questions and concerns regarding their devices and maybe learn a few tips I want to incorporate into my personal life as well. 

As a library professional I am prepared to undertake learning about "23 Mobile Things" with eager anticipation not only for my own personal growth, but for the growth of my patrons as well. 

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