Friday, June 13, 2014

Thing 23: Evaluate 23 Mobile Things

Thing 23! How can it be??

I enjoyed being able to spend some time playing with the apps presented in the 23 Mobile Things. Prior to starting the course I had played with apps a bit, but my experience and knowledge of them was very limited. I had a rough idea of what a few were and roughly how they might be described, but after completing the training I feel much more experienced with apps and feel like I could adequately describe what an app is, what it does, how it works, etc. I'd say as a result of this experience I have gained experience and understanding of apps and mobile devices which should help me have another tool in my technology tool belt so I can better assist my patrons with their technology questions and concerns. Although I didn't complete this training on an Ipad/tablet (used my cell phone), I feel like my increased understanding of apps will also help me be a better resource for patrons coming to the library seeking help with library apps, and e services apps (e-books, e-magazines, e-audiobooks, etc.).

Along the way I had the chance to explore a wide range of apps --everything from productivity apps to note taking apps to gaming apps. I enjoyed the variety, but as I had the chance to play I especially enjoyed the Redlaser app and Fooducate. I also discovered my new note taking app that I have been using ever since and really enjoying! Although I decided not to keep the majority of the apps I tried, I did decide to keep these three to use in my personal (and perhaps at some point professional) life.

I unfortunately am squeezing this in pretty close to the deadline, so can't say I've had a lot of time to connect with others while completing this training. I have flipped through a few posts from other random bloggers occasionally over the few months we've been working on this project which was fun because I was able to see their reactions and inputs into the training as well as how they perceived the apps. I had the chance to chat with coworkers a bit about how they were doing, but it was just general checking in, how's it going, what do you like? etc.

If another 23 Things program was offered I'd be interested in participating. I enjoyed the fact I could boost my technology skills by learning about apps in general (which I wasn't very familiar with prior to the program) and explore a wide variety of apps related to different interests. I think the parts that intrigued me most was technology and variety being mixed together.

My sentence: 

23 Mobile Things is an online adventure course linking library staff with technology, variety and fun so that they can better serve the public and have a little happy appy enjoyment along the way. 

Thanks all for organizing a great and educational experience! 

Courtesy to Google for the picture

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