Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Thing 8: Social Media Management Tools

It is no surprise to anyone that social media is big, popular and can be a really great resource! However, as social media has integrated into our lives we often find ourselves utilizing more than one social media service (Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Google+, Foursquare, tvtag, etc.). Of course this all comes with usernames and passwords and let's be honest...how many usernames and passwords can people be expected to remember?!? The beauty of course is now there are social media management tools that allow you to connect all of your social media accounts in one place easily with one username and one password! (Brillant!!)

The beauty of course is now there are social media management tools that allow you to connect all of your social media accounts in one place easily with one username and one password! (Brillant!!)

 Not only is this great for not having to lug a 10 pound notebook around to remember all of your usernames and passwords, but it also means that it is more efficient because you don't have to run from site to site checking things out, but can rather just access everything all in one place quickly and easily. 

Out of the three mentioned on the 23 Mobile Things page I chose to look at HootSuite because it said that it focused on people, and really, that is why I have social media--to help me stay in touch with all of my friends who live both near and far (several friends live in different countries and even on different continents!). 

For someone who has quite a few social media accounts, I could see this being a handy app. It is easy to set up and use. I connected my Facebook and it separated my news feed from my wall from my messages so that I could access each quickly and easily. I didn't have to log into anything, there is a check in feature, and there are options to switch between social media programs with only a few simple clicks. 
Although I can't see myself keeping this app just because I don't use social media all that much (mostly just facebook, a little linked in), I can see someone who utilizes many social media platforms enjoying this app. 

 Courtesy to Microsoft Word for the picture. 

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